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Use outbound calling for go-to-market success

When companies invest in new product development or market expansion, it’s essential to get it right. That means including the right features, targeting the right buyers, identifying the right price and telling the right story in the market. Firsthand market…

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Four things you can learn from a healthcare sales call

At Volkart May, we believe a sales rep’s time is better spent closing a sale than finding one. In other words, the more your high-powered (and highly paid) sales team can focus their efforts on building relationships, demonstrating products, negotiating…

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Use telephone surveys to gain a competitive edge

Competitive intelligence gives healthcare and medtech companies an edge in the marketplace. The more you know about your customers and prospects, their day-to-day challenges and business goals, the better you can engage them with relevant messages and helpful solutions. But,…

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4 ways a call center benefits the marketing team

B2B and medtech professionals most often associate a call center with sales, customer service or technical support functions. However, a call center can also benefit the marketing department in a number of ways, especially in a lead generation environment. Working…

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Outbound calling as a sales lab

The goal of an outbound calling campaign isn’t always to generate a lead immediately. For B2B and medtech companies, outbound calling can serve many purposes at once, from qualifying an inquiry and updating contact information, to building relationships and setting…

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Target the right prospects to increase sales conversions

For B2B and medical technology businesses, the ability to keep the sales pipeline full with high quality leads, appointments and opportunities is essential for growth. But starting with a poor-quality prospecting strategy (or no strategy at all) increases your effort,…

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Multiply your B2B marketing with outbound calling

Ask a B2B marketer their recipe for filling the sales pipeline with qualified leads, and some regular ingredients will top the list: Email campaigns. Content marketing. Search engine optimization. Trade shows and conferences. What many B2B marketers omit is outbound…

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What is lead scoring and why does it matter?

For medtech and B2B companies, leads are critical in order to drive sales. Your leads can come from a variety of sources: your website, trade conferences, email campaigns or cold calling, to name a few. However, as sales reps are…

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5 reasons to execute an outbound calling campaign

Since there are so many effective marketing and sales channels available to B2B and medtech organizations today, it’s important to take an integrated approach in order to improve brand exposure across multiple touchpoints. Selecting only a few channels is often…

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